

A Wonderful 'Magical' Animal

Monday, October 11, 2010

Christopher Colombus was a Boob

Today we celebrate Columbus Day. Cristobol Colon is taking some heat lately for having 'found' someplace where people already lived and for being mean to those people. Also, he's getting less credit for believing the earth was round; 'cuz most educated people of his time knew that. Fair enough. But he still deserves some credit. He was a risk taker. He was daring. While he wasn't the first European to 'discover' the America's (think Vikings), he was the first to stay.

What's being overlooked is Colon's creativity and persistence. Just to get funding for the first voyage, Colon creatively used estimations of distances to make his 'new route' to Asia seem feasible. He took the low estimate for the westward route and the high estimate for the eastward route to make the new trade route appear desirable. Then, because he needed to leave some crew on the island before he sailed back, he befrieded some Taino chiefs. Meanwhile, he was capturing other Tainos to sell into slavery. And later, when it was realized that he hadn't landed anywhere near Asia, and that his estimate of the size of the earth must be way low, Colon came up with a gem. He responded that the earth must be shaped like a pear.

We should not give Colon too much credit for 'discovering' the Americas or for 'proving' that the earth was round. But we should give him credit for risking his neck and for being a creative in gaining support for what benefitted him.